Thursday, June 6, 2013

Obama's use of the espionage act

The espionage act of 1917 was enacted June 15 of 1917. Since it's beginning the purpose of the act was to prohibit any attempt to interfere with military operations, support U.S enemies during wartime, to interfere  with military recruitment. The act had been argued since it's existence that it is unconstitutional.
     Now it's time to bring it to a more current time throughout history it had been used a total of three times, in Obama time in office it had been used six times. So it raises the question as why? Well Obama has been infamous for using the power of government to criminalize his enemies and praise his allies ( kind of ironic when you think back to his campaign promises).so it's honestly an easy conclusion he is using this weapon to promote fear in the government and media. And up until recently it had worked well, Until now. After a while a tool used in the wrong way loses its edge. The reason for this its that you van only cover up so many lies , and now his admin is starting to feel the pain of the controversies its created.
     The use of this act is used as an attempt to silence the whistle blowers. However after so long its kind of hard to deny the facts. I'll be adding on to this blog citing the exact cases of the act being used in due time. Until then stay informed America! Fight for your rights that the constitution guarantees you, and remain vigilant in the pursuit of justice.

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