Now it may just be me but it seems like the citizens have taken the back seat. As of the passing day a college student could obtain a college loan at 3.4 percent. Monday will approach and will sting just a little more as that number will jump to 6.8 percent!! As if debt wasn't already a notion that deters people from higher education. It is just another instance in Washington where congress waited too long to address an issue. (or maybe i should say an important issue) Congress must come up with a solution after failing to meet their deadline. It's time Washington drops the issues that Americans don't care about (only 3 percent of Americans believe immigration is a pressing issue). There is a time for things such as immigration, now is not that time. As of right now there are American citizens that are faced with huge financial issues with education.
Take care of the citizens then the illegals. It's time we as the people stand up for ourselves and make Washington take care of the things they were elected to do.
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