Friday, June 28, 2013

Hero or Traitor: The acts of Edward Snowden

Who is Edward Snowden?            
Hero-a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities.
          Traitor-One who betrays one's country, a cause, or a trust, especially one who commits treason.
          Oh my, another post article about Snowden? You Bet! This event is extremely important and it is imperative it does not go away. What makes it so important is that America as a whole is still very split on what Snowden actually is. On one half you have the “He’s a traitor and needs to be put to death!!” argument (Oddly enough this is the side the US Government sides with.) and on the other half you have the “He is an American hero” argument. So just who is Edward Snowden? As almost all of America knows he released confidential information withheld by the US government and the NSA showing evidence on American citizens.
          Now a traitor is classified as someone who betrays his country, with that said did Snowden really betray the country? Betraying the country would be releasing classified information to a foreign or domestic enemy. Snowden however did not release this to an enemy, unless the government or the American people believe otherwise. He released this information to the American public to expose the infringement of their fourth amendment right. (I have provided the link to that amendment at the bottom of this article for anyone who needs a refresher. ) So, was his act a form of treason or heroism? Without a doubt he defied the government, but did so because the government was defying the American people. I personally put myself of the side of heroism. This was a guy who was making over 200,000 dollars a year and was looking at a very nice pension upon his retirement. He put that all on the line with this. He gave up everything he had for the American people to know everything. That classifies more as a hero in my eyes but it’s on yourself to decide. But when making that decision consider this:
 “People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both.” – Benjamin Franklin
"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."- Thomas Jefferson
If those words are true the debate between hero or traitor is actually not a debate at all.

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